Nose piercings are popular, but you might have questions about the healing process. These can include what each stage feels and looks like. Let us take a closer look at the nose piercing healing process, as well as other considerations for a nose piercing.
Nose Piercing Healing Process With Pictures
Stage 1. The Bleeding Stops (Up to 24 Hours)
Image: Opal Sasha.
It is natural for your nose piercing to bleed right after you get it. The bleeding could last up to 24 hours after you get pierced.
At some point during this time the bleeding will stop due to the process of hemostasis. Blood vessels will constrict, blood will coagulate at the piercing site, and a clot will form.
The pain can be moderate and is often described as a burning sensation compared to pain at other stages. If your nose piercing does not stop bleeding after 24 hours, contact your health care provider.
You are past the hemostasis stage once the bleeding stops.
Stage 2. The Site Becomes Inflamed (Up to Three Weeks)
Image: Saturdays.
The next stage in the healing process will be inflammation at the piercing site. It is a sign that your body’s immune system is responding to the damage created by the needle.
Signs of inflammation include swelling, redness, and pain. This process will peak within 48 hours, but your piercing can remain inflamed for up to three weeks.
Pain at this stage is less of a burning sensation and closer to typical soreness. Some describe it as a dull ache. If you feel severe throbbing or see discharge at this stage, you might have an infection.
Following post-piercing guides is crucial to avoiding problems like infections. If you suspect there is a problem, consult a physician. You will be past this stage once the pain, redness, and swelling reduce.
Stage 3. Tissue Proliferation Begins (Between 4 and 24 Days)
Image: Evakrasnov.
Wound proliferation usually lasts between 4 and 24 days. It is during this stage that your body replaces the clotting with skin and tissue growth. The piercing hole becomes dry and crust may form. Your epidermis will regenerate, dermal tissue will grow, and the tissue will become revascularized.
Pain levels should reduce as the proliferation phase begins. You may still feel a dull ache, especially if you have a sensitive piercing. The redness should reduce and you might not feel the jewelry as much as you first did.
If your wound is still tender, inflamed, or producing discharge, have your doctor take a look at your nose.
The proliferation stage is complete once the crustiness goes away.
Stage 4. Your Piercing Hole Matures (From 21 Days up to Two Years )
During this final healing stage, the collagen in the dermal tissue converts from type III to type I, a stronger tissue matrix. Blood vessels in the wound area decrease. You should also notice a reduction in scar thickness.
The maturation stage can wrap up anywhere from 21 days up to two years after you get your nose pierced.
For many, pain at this stage is completely gone. You will not notice your nose jewelry as the sensations are now commonplace. You can move your nose without discomfort and the tissue around the piercing hole will feel as solid as the rest of your nose.
While not as common, you can still get infections as the wound matures. Keep up regular cleaning to avoid issues.
Your wound has healed once you notice the tissue around the piercing hole is strong and tight.
How Long Does a Nose Piercing Take To Heal?
The healing time for a nose piercing varies widely. On the shorter end, nostril piercings can heal in around two months. More complex piercings like the nasallang can take nine months or even longer to heal.
When Can I Change My Nose Piercing?
You should wait till your piercing is completely healed. This can vary depending on the piercing type. On average, you can replace your piercing jewelry in 4-6 months.
Safe Metals for Nose Piercing Jewelry
If you want to speed up the nose piercing healing process, make sure to choose a high-quality material to avoid infections or adverse reactions. Here are some good materials to choose from:
1. Implant-Grade Titanium
Ashley Piercing Jewelry Titanium curved barbells $18.9, SHOP NOW.
Implant-grade titanium nose piercing jewelry is strongly recommended. It is lightweight, nickel-free, and won’t tarnish. It’s often recommended for those who are allergic to brass, nickel, and other metals common for jewelry.
2. Precious Metals Like 14K Gold
Ashley Piercing Jewelry 14K white gold nose stud with moissanite $76.9, SHOP NOW.
Platinum and 14-karat gold jewelry can offer an elevated look. However, they may be more pricey and could tarnish over time. Also consider if you have allergies, such as an allergy to gold.
3. Surgical Stainless Steel
If you opt for stainless steel, you should opt for surgical-grade steel. It often contributes to a smooth healing process and is extremely durable.
However, it does contain small amounts of nickel that could cause allergic reactions in those with skin sensitivities. Talk through all material options with your piercer to figure out what’s best for you and your skin.
4. Niobium
Niobium is another material that could be useful for making jewelry as it is non-reactive, polymeric, and has a wide range of colors.
Final Thought on Nose Piercing Healing Process
Once you go through the nose piercing healing process, you can start to enjoy your nose piercing. It is at this stage you can change out jewelry pieces and get creative with your body expression. Your healed nose piercing will not detract from the pieces you wear, and you won’t fight infections!
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